Legal Information

Legal Notice and Privacy Police

General Information about Product Safety Management‘s electronic site or website and its content

The headquarters of the Product Safety Management is at :

Iniciativas en Seguridad y Consumo S.L

Registro Mercantil. Tomo 43542, Folio 131, Hoja B 431873

Plaça del Mar 3-4, Esc B 08003 – Barcelona (SPAIN)


The online site of the Product Safety Management is at the electronic address, notwithstanding which there may be other temporary or permanent addresses which also enable access to the contents and services provided through the  website.


Protection of intellectual property rights

The contents and graphic material that form part of the  website are exclusively owned by the Product Safety Management or by third parties who may be natural persons or legal entities and who have authorised the use of same by Product Safety Management. The website contents are protected by copyright, with the exceptions provided in article 13 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, approving the Restated Text of the Law on Intellectual Property. Consequently, any use or reproduction that users make of this content, or of any other content which may be included in the future, must be carried out following the provisions and respecting the limitations stipulated in the aforementioned legislation.

The Product Safety Management explicitly reserves general rights with respect to the overall contents published on the website which are subject to copyright.

Personal and private use of the contents of this website is permitted when it is appropriate and in line with the goals of this online site, as specified in the previous section of this legal notice. In the case of certain contents however, Product Safety Management may explicitly indicate that it is necessary to request express authorisation. In these cases, the corresponding application must be addressed, in writing, to:   Product Safety Management


Under no circumstances will authorisation be granted for:

Presentation by means of framing of a page from the website in a window that does not pertain to Product Safety Management
Insertion by means of in-line linking of an image published on the website in a page that does not belong to Product Safety Management
Extraction of elements of the website that may prejudice Product Safety Management, in accordance with current provisions.
Commercial use of the contents of the Product Safety Management’s website.
Use of distinctive images or signs, logos or, in general, distinctive symbols of any kind that belong to Product Safety Management, without the prior knowledge and corresponding authorisation.

Product Safety Management reserves the right to initiate the appropriate actions, procedures and preventive measures under intellectual property legislation in relation to the commission by users of infringements of copyright regulations. Infringements committed as a result of fraudulent use of the information or contents of the Product Safety Management’s website may result in the imposition of legally provided penalties, in particular those stipulated in the Penal Code (article 270 and following).


Protection of data of a personal nature

A) Data collected through forms

If you provide personal information through this online site, the processing of that data which may result is subject to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), as well as other applicable legislation.

Product Safety Management only processes data pertaining to users of its online site which is adequate, necessary and not excessive for the purposes of properly attending to such users in relation to the exercise of its functions and in line with that provided in the data quality principle (article 4 of the LOPD).

Should you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection (ARCO rights) in relation to your personal data processed byProduct Safety Management, under the terms and conditions provided in Title III of the LOPD you may contact:       Product Safety Management

In accordance with that provided in article 24 of the Regulation of the LOPD (RLOPD), you may also formulate your request for access, rectification, cancellation or objection using other means, providing these enable reliable acknowledgement of the sending and receipt of such request, and that such application contains the elements specified in article 25.1 of the RLOPD.


B) Browsing data

The browsing data and software necessary for operation of the website employ standard methods to acquire certain transmission details which are implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This category of data includes the IP address or domain name of the computer used by the user to access the website, the URL of the resource requested, the time, the method used to consult the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code that indicates the state of the server response and other parameters related to the operating system of the user’s computer environment.

This information is not associated with specific users and is employed with the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical data on use of the Product Safety Management’s website.

Product Safety Management’s online site does not employ cookies or other similar devices for personal data processing that may enable the identification of specific individual users of its website. The use of these systems is reserved exclusively to collect technical information aimed at facilitating users with safe and efficient access and browsing of theProduct Safety Management’s website.


Responsibility with regard to contents

In application of that provided in current legislation, specifically Law 11/2007, of 22 June, governing citizens’ access to public services, Product Safety Management strives to ensure that the information, contents and services offered or published on its website effectively comply with the necessary integrity, authenticity, currency, accessibility and usability of said information, contents and services. In this respect, the indicated date of updating with respect to each element of the contents must be taken into account at all times.

Product Safety Management therefore reserves the right to modify the contents of its website and delete them, or limit or prevent access to them either temporarily or permanently and without prior notice, in order to comply with the aforementioned law.

The information that may be offered through this website does not in any way substitute the legally required announcements of the general provisions and acts that require formal publication in the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia, or in other newspapers or official journals. The printed version or online publications of official gazettes and journals are the sole instruments that are official and authentic.

Product Safety Management is not responsible for the information or contents of other websites to which it may refer or with which Product Safety Management portal has links. Nonetheless, in accordance with that provided in Recommendation 1/2008 by Product Safety Management on the transmission of information containing personal data over the Internet, a revision of links to other websites is carried out on a regular basis in order to avoid the inclusion of any that do not comply with data protection legislation or other current regulations.