Peritaje en seguridad de producto

Product Recall

Although two Recalls (recovery of the product from the marketand provision of notice to consumers) are never identical, companies should be prepared to face them in the best conditions.

We help in the planning of the Recall as well as implementing it.  This includes connecting with the competent authorities in the case of a product recall that affects only one country or when several countries are affected.

We manage product recalls from the market paying special attention to:

  • Authorities: In case that a recall might affect several countries, each country has its own idiosyncrasies and requirements. We know the particularities of each country and the requirements of the different product safety authorities, facilitating the recallof the product from the market in a more agile and effective way.
  • Consumers and customers: The profits and losses of the company can be strongly affected in the case of a recall of one of their products from the market, as well as the attitude of the consumers in the future in ordering the company’s products. That is why it is vitally important how the “recall” is conducted.
  • Responsibility: we advise in the management of the responsibility or legal/regulatory exposure of the company according to the level of risk of the products

We adapt to problems, conditions and procedures as they occur in all their variety.
During the product recall process we advise the company in the following areas:

Legal requirements

  • Voluntary notifications for each country
  • Relationship with the authorities in each country
  • Preparation of all the necessary documentation for compliance with regulations
  • Establishment with the administrations the corrective actions for each country
  • Identification and analysis of the magnitude of the problem.
  • Product management
  • Traceability
  • Report to the authorities
  • Task force for the recall of the product
  • Closure of the recall


• We work together with the company in the diagnosis and analysis of the deficiencies of the process of recalling the product from the market
• We carry out an in-depth analysis of what happened in the recall, suggesting improvements for future recalls.


  • We advise on the regulation of product safety in all countries (not safety standards)
  • The process to recall products from the market is complex.
  • We are specialists in product safety and we can help you.
  • If you require advice and help in the process of recalling a product from the market fill out the following form so we can assess your situation.


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